Supplement Remedy for Dry Cracked Skin
Boost Omega-3 Levels
Flaxseed contains large amounts of components called omega-3 essential fatty acids. These fatty acids can help many skin conditions, including dryness and flaking. Your skin is a reflection of the types of food you eat. Because the typical American diet is lacking in the crucial fats contained in flaxseed oil, it makes sense to add a flaxseed supplement to your health regimen. Look for fresh, cold-pressed, refrigerated flaxseed oil packaged in a dark glass bottle, found in most health food stores. Take one tablespoon of the oil every day. Mix into 8 ounces of juice to make it more pleasant tasting. You should start to notice results in a couple of months. Flaxseed is also available in capsule form--make sure you follow dosing instructions on the bottle carefully.
Fatty Acids
Improve the appearance of dry skin by adding an evening primrose oil supplement to your health plan. Like flaxseed, evening primrose oil contains beneficial amounts of fatty acids. These are contained in the small, reddish-brown seeds from the plant. Evening primrose oil contains a highly penetrating form of gamma-linolenic acid, a substance that helps to decrease inflammation of the skin and may be particularly helpful if you are suffering from eczema. Look for evening primrose supplements in health food stores, and follow dosing instructions carefully.
Diet and Digestion
Dry skin can often be a sign of an internal problem, such as poor digestion. Stimulating the process of circulation (along with cleansing the liver) helps to remove waste materials that can aggravate problems with dry skin. Bitter herbs, such as gentian, help the liver function properly and improve digestion. Endive and radicchio salads consumed at the beginning of a meal can aid in stimulating the liver and boosting the digestive process. Extract of gentian works in much the same way by helping the body rid itself of toxins. To treat dry skin, take 10 drops of the tincture three times a day before meals.
Another important consideration is to look at the amount of water you are consuming each day. The first step in alleviating dry skin is to keep it healthy and moist. Optimally, you should aim to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water at minimum per day.
Before adding any supplement to your dry skin treatment plan, consult with your physician.