Natural Remedies For a Stuffy Runny Nose
Runny Nose: Spicy Foods
According to, spicy foods make a person's nose run for an entirely different reason and in the process cleanse the nose of any toxins that are causing the condition.
Runny Nose: Homemade Saline Solution
It's easy to make a solution at home that will help get rid of a runny nose. Simply mix 1 tbsp. of salt in a cup of water warmed to room temperature. Ensure the salt is stirred in well and place one drop in each nostril using a medicine dropper. Gently inhale the solution and immediately blow your nose. This will remove the bacteria, toxins and dust that caused the nose to run.
Stuffy Nose: Honey
Using honey is a simple, yet effective, way to relieve a stuffy nose. Simply place a drop of honey on your finger and put it in your nostrils, then lie down for a few minutes to allow the honey to work. It may sting a little bit, but your nose will soon either start running or you'll start sneezing, relieving the congestion.
Stuffy Nose: Steam
According to, one can also steam away a stuffy nose. While a hot shower may provide temporary relief, boiling water in an old-fashioned tea kettle will allow the ill person to inhale more steam. Simply place the kettle, filled with water, on the stove to boil. Once steam is coming out of the kettle, lean forward a little to inhale the steam, which will help shrink the membranes and allow the nose to drain.