Cellulitis Prevention & Naturopathic Cures
Preventing Cellulitis
Clean any wounds daily with soap and water. Use a topical antibiotic like Neosporin to protect your wound from bacteria. Keep your wound covered with a bandage or some sort of dressing and change it every day or anytime it gets wet or dirty. Keep an eye out for infection; see your doctor if you notice redness, pain or pus.
If you have a condition like diabetes or poor circulation, you want to take extra precautions to prevent cellulitis. Keep your skin moisturized to prevent cracking and peeling and check your skin on a regular basis for cracks and cuts.
Complementing Conventional Care Naturally
Certain natural supplements can aid its tissue healing, reduce pain and inflammatin and complement the antibacterial action of antibiotics. Do not use these supplements without talking to your doctor. Seeking the guidance of a health care provider experienced in natural medicine is advised.
The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests the following natural supplements might be appropriate supplements to conventional care. Vitamin C (1,000 mg two to six times a day), vitamin E (400 to 800 IU daily) and zinc (30 mg daily) encourage wound healing and strengthen immunity.
Bromelain (250 mg three times a day) can ease swelling and inflammation; Echinacea (1,000 mg three times a day) encourages immunity, which can help fight off the bacteria.
Pycnogenol (200 mg daily) and gotu kola (60 mg twice a day) promote skin health. Do not use gotu kola if you suffer from anxiety or high blood pressure.
Certain herbs can be applied topically to treat infection and inflammation. Use yarrow, approved in Great Britain for infection and inflammation, in a sitz bath. Use 100 grams of powder for every 5 gallons of warm or hot water in your tub. Soak as long as desired. Make a paste from goldenseal root and slippery elm and apply twice a day. They are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Mix the contents of one capsule of each with a bit of water.