Holistic Diet for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Monitor Your Weight
If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to be as close to normal body weight as possible. Any extra weight increases the burden on your joints, causing additional stress and pain.
Consume plenty of fiber and water, which will help flush out chemicals and toxins in the body. Your body naturally reacts badly to chemicals, which can weaken the immune system further, and this reaction causes any pre-existing medical condition to worsen.
Foods to Include
There are numerous foods that can help relieve some of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Eat fiber-rich foods such as wheat, barley, oats, brown rice and millet in the purest, whole-grain form available.
Other foods valued for their natural oils and fats, vitamins and mineral content include green vegetables such as broccoli, parsley and celery; seaweed; carrots; avocados; pecans; and coldwater fish such as salmon or sardines. Barley and wheat grass are also recommended for their anti-inflammatory, detoxifying properties.
Foods to Exclude
It is as important to know which foods to avoid as it is to know which foods to eat. In particular, foods from the "nightshade" family---including potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes and peppers---trigger flareups in many people with arthritis, so avoid these for a month to see if some symptoms subside.
Avoid foods that are high in oxalic acid, including rhubarb, plums, chard and spinach.Other foods to eliminate include saturated fats, dairy products, buckwheat, red meat, poultry, animal fats, refined sugar, excess salt, nuts and oil-rich seeds, caffeine and alcohol.