Natural Ways to Improve Liver Function
Eat when you are hungry. It's healthier to eat only when you're body needs food. This way, your liver won't be overworked. Eating smaller meals will also help your liver function more efficiently.
Drink plenty of water every day. Every health guide and health practitioner will tell you this. Water helps cleanse the liver.
Eat plenty of green vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, sprouts and cucumber. Also eat carrots, beans, beets, tomatoes and mushrooms. These vegetables help the body detoxify, therefore increasing liver function. Other foods to include in your diet are garlic and high-protein foods such as eggs and fish.
Just as there are foods to help improve liver function, there are ones you should avoid. Avoid eating a lot of refined sugar. However, if you think you can just substitute artificial sweeteners, you're wrong. These aren't good for the liver and can make you tired. If you have a sweet tooth, eat fresh fruit, sun-dried fruit or honey.
Also avoid alcohol. Drinking alcohol puts a lot of stress on the liver. Deep-fried foods and refined flour can also make your liver sluggish.
Home remedies
If you want to improve the health of your liver, there are several home treatments you can do. Juice two oranges and drink the juice. Do this every day for at least a week. You can also add a pinch of salt and a few roasted cumin seeds to a glass of buttermilk and drink it early in the morning.
Another remedy is to mix carrot and spinach juice in equal parts. This especially helps with cirrhosis of the liver. Drink a glass of this daily for three or four weeks. Another beneficial remedy for cirrhosis is to mix honey and the herb bhringaraj. Put two teaspoons of bhringaraj into two teaspoons of honey. Split this mixture in half. Drink half in the morning and the other half at night.
There are some exercises you can do every day to help your liver and other organs stay healthy. Try yoga, Pilates, stretching and breathing exercises. Walking is another low-impact exercise you can do each day.