How to Naturally Treat Hot Flashes and Menopausal Symptoms
Take Black Cohosh in supplemental form daily. Black Cohosh is a member of the buttercup family, and has been used for many years to help with menstrual discomfort, and even the pain during childbirth. It's been used since the 1700s, and more recently has become popular in Germany to help with menopausal problems. It's most common in patients that suffer from hot flashes. It's suggested you take around 40 milligrams per day.
Add more Soy to your diet. Soy has been a medicine in some parts of Asia for thousands of years. It has recently become popular in Western Countries to help treat hot floshes during menopause. It's suggested you aim for around 150 milligrams of soy per day.
Take Licorice Root in supplemental form daily, or add powder to your food. Though it's not understood exactly why, but licorice root has been proven to help reduce and prevent hot flashes. Just add a teaspoon of the powder or a few drops of liquid to food.