How to Tone Your Jowls - Without Surgery
Things You'll Need
- Moisturizer
- Your fingers
- Time
- At-home physical therapy
Let your jaw hang down and back and separate your lips. The tip of your tongue will go behind your front teeth on your palate.
Bare your teeth as though you were growling (no sound effects necessary). Look up at the ceiling, then use your neck and jaw muscles to put your head down to its normal position. How do your know whether you are using the correct muscles? Don't worry. You'll feel them.
Repeat this five to fifteen times. You will start to feel the muscles in your jowl area stretch.
Put your lips together and then get your jaw in motion. Move it back and forth, then side to side, then up and down. The movement will get bigger until you are doing the last reps with your lips parted.
Repeat five to fifteen times. Do this every day, and the muscles in your jowl area will strengthen naturally.