How to Treat Night Sweats with Natural Home Remedies

Except in cases of infectious disease, night sweats are a common symptom of menopause. New studies are showing that night sweats are also a symptom of andropause (male menopause). Prolonged night sweats cause sleep deprivation and frustration. As women turn away from hormone replacement therapy, many seek herbal remedies for night sweats.


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      Relieve night sweats with sage. Sage is a common herbal remedy for night sweats. Scientific studies have found that sage reduces nightsweats by over 50%.

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      Reduce night sweats with licorice root. Licorice root contains glycyrrhizin, which has been used to treat female disorders for many years. Menopause is characterized by a drop in estrogen levels. It is believed that licorice contains mild estrogen properties and therefore relieves symptoms of menopause.

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      Alleviate night sweats with black cohosh. Black cohosh is a North American herb in the buttercup family. Both native Americans and settlers used the herb to treat female discomfort. A recent study upholds the fact that black cohosh relieves symptoms of night sweats because it contains plant estrogens.

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      Ease night sweats with dong quai to alleviate night sweats. Dong quai is a Chinese herb that acts similarly to black cohosh, in that it provides plant estrogen, and alleviates symptoms of menopause, such as night sweats.

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      Relieve the effects of night seats with macafem. Macafem root is grown in the high Andean plateaus of Peru. Unlike black cohosh and dong quai, macafem produces phytoestrogen herbs, which nourish the female glands so that they produce their own estrogen. This is considered more natural than plant estrogen remedies. The result, however, is similar. It alleviates the stress and fatigue of night sweats.

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