How to Treat Hypothyroidism with Herbal Remedies

Hypothyroidism means that the thyroid is not secreting enough of the hormone thyroxin. This causes sluggishness, fatigue, weight gain, hair loss and a number of other symptoms. Natural remedies for low thyroid, such as herbs, are becoming more common. There are herbs that can regulate the production of thyroid hormones and benefit individuals with hypothyroidism.


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      Cure hypothyroidism with kelp. Kelp is a marine plant that is credited with regulating body temperature, metabolism, and ideal body weight. It can bring the underactive thyroid into balance.

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      Treat this condition with nettle herbal remedies. Nettle is a common herb that is rich in iodine. In hypothyroidism, there is insufficient iodine for the thyroid gland to secrete thyroxin to the cells. Foods rich in iodine are frequently recommended for the treatment of hypoactive thyroid.

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      Add black walnut to your diet. Black walnut one of the richest sources of organic iodine. It is attributed to this that black walnut is thought to stimulate thyroid hormone production and combat hypothyroidism.

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      Use guggal to treat hypothyroidism. Guggal (Commiphora Mukul) is a flowering shrub that is an important substance in Native American medicine. It is believed to increase the production of thyroid hormones.

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      Take green oats to cure hypothyroidism. Green oats are also thought to regulate metabolism, including thyroid function. This herb is combined with other herbal thyroid medicines in commercial supplements.

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