Most Effective Natural HRT Supplement
Progesterone Cream
Traditional hormone replacement therapy includes prescribing either synthetic hormones such as progestin or animal-derived estrogen, such as Premarin. Both of these options can pose health risks. A better option is bioidentical hormone replacement. Usually prescribed in the form of a cream, bioidentical progesterone is derived from plant sources and synthesizes in the body as if it were your own progesterone. You can purchase progesterone cream over-the-counter without a prescription, but be sure to read the labels.
Some creams are derived from Mexican wild yam, which can be beneficial in many ways, but it does not synthesize correctly for hormone replacement. Look for products that contain at least 20 mg per dose of USP progesterone. According to Dr. John Lee, who pioneered bio-identical hormone therapy, this dosage will ensure that you get enough to help overcome the estrogen dominance many women experience during perimenopause and menopause. Use the cream daily for 21 days out of the month, stopping use during your menses. If you no longer menstruate, or if your symptoms are severe, you may use the cream daily. The active ingredient is carried subdermally to your bloodstream. The best places to use the cream are on your abdomen, breasts, throat and the inside of your arms.
Herbs to Minimize Symptoms
Symptoms you may experience as you near menopause include irregular periods, loss of libido, weight gain, mood swings, night sweats and thinning hair. Besides progesterone cream, you may want to supplement your diet with some herbs that have been used for centuries for these symptoms. Black cohosh can help to relieve hot flashes, reduce cramping and may even lower cholesterol. Chaste tree berry balances your hormones to help alleviate depression at menopause. Liferoot (Senecio bursas) can minimize excessive bleeding and regulate periods. Raspberry has a long reputation as being a uterine tonic, strengthening the muscles and ligaments and reducing hot flashes. You can find these herbs at your local health food store and online. In fact some companies have formulated special products for menopause that include some or all of these for your convenience. Some you may try are Estroven, Change O' Life and Remifemin.