Herbs to Help Reflux
Ginger has been known for its anti-inflammatory properties as well as for the treatment of stomach disorders. It has long been used as an aid for healthy digestion and treatment for stomach disorders such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Ginger may be added as an ingredient to any kind of meal to help relieve reflux. It may also be taken in the form of capsules or food supplements. The most pleasant way to take ginger is by drinking it as a tea. Just boil slices of ginger in water and you have yourself a ginger tea. The ginger slices may also be place in a cup and allowed to steep with boiling water. Cinnamon may also be added to add flavor. Ginger tea can be a pleasant way to end a meal. However, taking excessive amounts of ginger in your diet can lead to a mild case of heartburn.
Licorice works by protecting the gastrointestinal tract to prevent the occurrence of hyperacidity and acid reflux. These two conditions may lead to gastritis and ulcers. Licorice enhances the normal defense mechanisms of the body to prevent the formation of ulcers. The number of mucosal cells is increased thus increasing the protective mucus that lines the gastrointestinal tract cells. It improves the levels of mucus production, prolongs the lifespan of intestinal cells and boosts the circulation of blood through the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.
Licorice is one of the favorite herbs used by people suffering from reflux because of its pleasant taste. Licorice can be taken once a day for the relief of reflux. For severe cases, it may be taken twice a day.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera helps treat reflux by spreading a protective coating on the esophagus and helps prevent the contents of the stomach from going back into the esophagus. It is very beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. Aloe vera aids in the digestion and absorption of food nutrients. It soothes and protects the whole digestive system.
Aloe vera may be taken as a capsule or a juice. Aloe vera capsules can be taken two to three times a day. Always consume a full glass of water when taking aloe vera capsules. On the other hand, aloe vera juice may be taken just like a regular drink during meals. To disguise the unpleasant taste of the juice, mix it with other types of juices.