Alternative Treatments for Shingles
Herbal Treatments
Herbalists have pinpointed echinacea and astragalus as an effective method for treating shingles. Use 300 mg of each of these herbs three times a day to fight the varicella zoster virus that causes shingles. These two herbs are immune-system boosters that help the body resist and stop the virus from presenting symptoms. It is best to start this herbal treatment within a few days of an outbreak.
Licorice capsules also are a strong anti-viral herb. The recommended dosage is 500 mg of licorice extract capsules three times a day . When using licorice to treat an outbreak of shingles, it is important to continue the dosage for two weeks after the blisters have healed.
Topical Herbs
Topical herbs can provide some relief from the blisters and itchy rash. St. John's wort oil and licorice root gel are two that you can apply directly to the rash. These oils and ointments are available in most health food stores.
Capsaicin is derived from cayenne peppers and provides relief from the pain of shingles blisters. Do not use capsaicin ointment on the sores when the blisters have broken. This ointment can be used on postherpetic neuralgia pain for relief, as well. Start with the lowest strength of capsaicin and gradually increase until you find relief. There is a burning sensation when the ointment is applied, so use care with this herbal treatment.
Vitamins and Supplements
Some alternative medicine practitioners recommend vitamin C to stop the progression of the virus. The dosage is very high at five doses of 2,000 mg each. These doses are taken a few hours apart from each other, and they may cause some diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. Always follow the guidance of an alternative practitioner when using high doses of vitamins and supplements.
Vitamin B-12 is also used to treat the pain of a shingles Make sure when you supplement with vitamin B-12 that you place the tablets under the tongue for best absorption.
Use 500 mg of l-lysine as an effective treatment for shingles, as well. The amino acids in this supplement help lessen the pain of the rash and may even speed recovery from an outbreak.