How to Treat Vertigo With Massage Therapy
Things You'll Need
- Licensed Massage Therapist
Find the Bai Hui point on the center of the head. This point is on the back of the head, on the apex between the ears. When looking at the back of the head, the thumbs should rest in the center with the forefingers being at the tips of each ear. Press lightly in a downward and outward motion with the thumbs. The Bai Hui point is the main point for headaches, dizziness, hypertension, eye pain, irritability and more.
Place forefingers on the Qiao Yin point which is located behind the ear at the center point of the curve in the ear lobe. Massage this point with the forefinger in a slow circular motion, pressing gently for one to two minutes. Massaging this point will help relieve ear pain, neck pain and stiffness, headache and tinnitus which all contribute to vertigo symptoms of dizziness and nausea.
Locate the Feng Chi point with thumbs. This point is at the base of the hair line on either side of the neck. Place thumb pads on the soft spot on either side of the center muscle with hands wrapping the head above the ears. Rub the thumbs with gentle pressure for one to three minutes slowly. Massage at this point will help relieve neck pain and stiffness, hypertension, numbness, back pain and shoulder pain. Neck pain and stiffness contribute to symptoms of vertigo.
Massage the Xin Shu point located on the upper back. Find this point by counting the vertebra down from the base of the neck. Count five vertebra down and find the soft muscle between the spine and the shoulder blades. Thumb pads should be flat on this spot with the palms of the hands resting just beneath the should blades. Using the thumbs, massage this point gently for one to three minutes in a slow up and outward motion. Massage therapy on this point of the back helps blood flow, nourish the heart and helps relieve anxiety, agitation, irritability and palpitations.
Move to the foot area to massage the next point of the body to treat the symptoms of vertigo. This point is called the Tai Xi point and can be found by wrapping the hand on top of the foot with the thumb between the Achille's tendon and the inner ankle bone. Massage this point for one to three minutes with gentle pressure and a circular thumb motion. This will help treat the dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia and headache associated with vertigo.
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