Household Cough Remedies & Suppressants
Natural Cough Suppressants
Cough suppressants can be made with basic items from your kitchen. If you feel a coughing fit coming on, try cutting a lemon in half and sprinkling a bit of salt and pepper on the inside. Place and hold the lemon in your mouth until you feel the cough subsiding.
A more desirable remedy may be found by mixing honey and lemon juice. Take 1 tbsp. of half lemon juice and half honey every hour or two to sooth the throat and suppress coughing. The lemon juice and honey suppressant works well when combined with a daily treatment of grape juice and honey. Add 1 tbsp. of honey to a small glass of grape juice and drink it once a day for four or five days.
Another remedy can be made by mixing one part onion juice with one part honey, and allowing the remedy to sit for at least four or five hours. Once the remedy has had ample time to set, consume 1 tbsp. daily until the cough stops.
Almonds are also a natural cough suppressant and can easily be made into a cough remedy. Soak about 1 lb. of almonds over night and peel them in the morning. Grind the almonds together with butter and sugar and take about a tablespoon of the mixture every morning for up to five days.
Environmental Factors
Taking the appropriate measures to eliminate environmental factors that may contribute to a lingering cough is equally important to taking cough suppressants and remedies. Make sure you are dressed warmly in cold weather and try to stay dry. Breathing warm, moist air is beneficial in relieving a cough, so try to take a warm bath for at least 10 minutes every day. If nighttime coughing is disrupting your sleep, you may want to try a humidifier to clear the air and make breathing a little easier. Avoid smoking and try to increase your fluid intake. Hydrating the body is a simple and effective way to coat the throat and ease the secretion of mucus.