Colloidal Silver's Effect on Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes patches of itchy, scaly red skin to flake on various parts of the body. It can be a very uncomfortable condition. Some individuals may use liquid colloidal silver in the form of soap or a salve or by ingesting it directly to treat psoriasis. This can result in Argyria, which is the permanent discoloration of the skin.
Argyria can be a dangerous side effect of colloidal silver. The FDA says, "Supplements containing silver may cause permanent discoloration of skin and mucous membranes." A famous case of an individual experiencing Argyria is that of Paul Karason. He drank and rubbed liquid colloidal silver on his skin in an attempt to treat his dermatitis. He claims that the product turned his skin a deep shade of blue. "The change was so gradual that I didn't perceive it and other people around me likewise," Karason said in a 2007 article for FOX news. "It wasn't until a friend I hadn't seen in several months came by my parent's place to see me and he asked me 'what did you do?.'" The FDA says, "Argyria is usually permanent. There are no effective non-surgical medical treatments, and surgical procedures have limited effectiveness and are not suitable in all cases."
The National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine says, "Silver has no known function in the body. Claims made about the effectiveness of colloidal silver products for numerous diseases are unsupported scientifically."
According to, "Excessive doses of colloidal silver can cause possibly irreversible serious health problems, including: Seizures and other neurological problems, kidney damage and skin irritation. Colloidal silver products also may interact with medications, including penicillamine, quinolones, tetracycline and thyroxine medications."
There is no evidence that supports the effectiveness or safety of colloidal silver for the treatment of psoriasis. If you suffer from the condition contact a doctor to discuss possible treatment options before self-diagnosing or medicating.