A Home Remedy for Fungal Nails
Strengthening Immunity
Strengthening the immune system is beneficial for fighting any sort of infection. You can accomplish this with diet and certain supplements. You do not need to use every supplement mentioned, as many offer similar benefits. This is an area of natural medicine where working with an experienced practitioner is beneficial.
Modify your diet to reduce inflammation; inflammation interferes with proper immune function. This includes meats, dairy, sugar and white flour foods. Increase your consumption of immune-strengthening foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids and L-glutamine all enhance immunity. Probiotics come in many different forms; take chosen supplements as directed on the label. Take one or two capsules of fish oil twice a day and take 1,000 mg of L-glutamine three times a day.
Fighting Fungus Directly
The following supplements demonstrate antifungal activity. Again, taking every treatment listed is not necessary. Grapefruit seed extract (five to 10 drops in beverage three times a day), green tea (500 mg daily), cat's claw (20 mg three times a day).
Use tea tree oil topically three to four times a day for at least two months. Paint on the affected nail.
Garlic also has strong antifungal properties. Eating one or two cloves daily for two months might also be beneficial; you do not need to chew the cloves.
Using hydrotherapy by alternating hot and cold foot baths increases circulation and helps deliver immune cells right to the infected nail. Fill two buckets; one with cold water and one with hot. Keep your feet in the hot bucket for three minutes and switch to the cold bucket for one minute. Do this three times once a day.