What Are the Functions of Probiotics?

The World Health Organization defines probiotics as live microorganisms that offer benefits to the host when ingested. These good bacteria are used in complementary and alternative medicine to treat illness. Personal bacterial balance promotes overall wellness.
  1. Function

    • Probiotics reduce the growth of harmful bacteria, aid in digestion, boost immune function and assist the body in the production of vitamins.


    • Probiotics are present in foods such as yogurt and miso, and probiotics are sold as supplements in powder, tablet and capsule form.


    • Research conducted by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine in collaboration with the American Society for Microbiology demonstrated that probiotics have small benefits in treating diarrhea, fungal infections, urinary infections, irritable bowels, intestinal infections and to prevent recurrences of bladder cancer.


    • No two strains of bacteria are alike, so each probiotic is composed of a unique strain of bacteria, some strains providing more benefits than others. Though probiotic bacteria is not harmful to the body, some people may experience mild stomach discomfort.

    Interesting Fact

    • The colon maintains its health with a balance of good and bad bacteria. The ideal balance is 85 percent good to 15 percent bad.

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