Bee Pollen Cures for Allergies
The Importance of Using Local Bee Pollen
Use bee pollen gathered locally, which will contain traces of the particular plants that are causing your allergic reaction. This will help to correct your immune system's reactions to these allergens, easing your hay fever symptoms. You can find local bee pollen at a farmers' market in your area. Buying your pollen directly from a small-scale beekeeper also increases the odds that you are purchasing a high-quality product collected from healthy, happy bees.
Increase Your Dosage Over Time
In a small number of individuals, especially those who are allergic to bee stings, bee pollen can cause an allergic reaction, even precipitating anaphylactic shock. Start with a single grain of pollen, then take two the following day and double your dosage each succeeding day until you are taking about a teaspoon a day. If you notice any swelling in you throat or difficulty breathing, discontinue use and consult a physician immediately.
What to Look For When Buying Bee Pollen for Allergies
Look for bee pollen with a wide range of colors, because this indicates that it has been gathered from a wide range of flowers and will boost your immunity to a wide range of allergens. Buy pollen that is as fresh as possible, or has been frozen right after being gathered. If you can find pollen gathered from bees who are kept in unpolluted areas in your vicinity, then you will reduce your exposure to toxic herbicides and pesticides.