Flower Remedy for Exhaustion
To make your own flower essence you will need:
Clear glass bowls (2)
Coffee filter
Small dark colored bottle
Spring water
Making your own flower essences is a rewarding process. To make a flower essence for treating exhaustion, first find naturally growing flowers reported to be helpful for treating exhaustion. (See suggested flowers below.) Fill one of the glass bowls with spring water. On a sunny day, gently pick enough open flowers to fill the bowl completely. Leave the bowl in direct sunlight for 3 to 4 hours. Using the filter paper and a funnel, filter the flower essence water into the second glass bowl. Fill the dark colored bottle half-way full with the flower essence and top up the remaining space with brandy. The brandy will help preserve the flower essence.
Recommended Flowers
Flowers which have been found useful in counteracting exhaustion include:
Indian Paintbrush
Century Plant
It is believed by alternative practitioners that flower essences work through vibrational healing. Dr. Bach concluded that "flowers have an energy that can balance human discord, reestablishing the link between body and soul." (Pallas-Downey, 2002) A peer-reviewed double-blind study conducted by J.R. Cram, concluded that flower essences impart a sense of calm in stressed patients. (Cram, J.R., 2000)
Take two to four drops up to four times per day.
Flower essences can be consumed sublingually (under the tongue), dropped in a glass of water, included in bath water or sprayed in the air.
Flower essences are safe for children, elderly people and pets.
Remember to label your flower essence with the date, flowers used and ailment treated.
Check with your doctor before using flower essences as remedies.
Flower essences are not suitable for individuals with alcohol sensitivity or recovering alcoholics.