Homemade Colloidal Silver Generator
What CS Is and How It Works
In 1975, homemade colloidal silver became a reality when physicist Bob Beck built the first silver generator. Colloidal silver is generated through electrolysis when an electric current travels between silver rods immersed in water. This process suspends clusters of silver atoms in the water. The suspended silver is able to suffocate harmful organisms by blocking their access to oxygen.
The "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" describes colloidal silver as "a Natural Antibiotic and Disinfectant that Destroys bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites." Silver has been used for this purpose since the Greek and Roman empires, who stored liquids in silver containers and ate with silver utensils. In early America, pioneer women put silver dollars in milk, to retard spoilage, and cowboys put them in water barrels, to make the water safe for drinking.
Building a CS Generator
You can make a colloidal silver generator with parts from your local Radio Shack. Connect four nine-volt batteries in series by snapping the negative terminals to the positive ones. You'll end up with one free positive and one free negative terminal.
Bridge the probes of a multimeter with a 33k ohm resister, by looping each end around one of the probes. Bend one end of two silver wires into a u shape, and use an alligator clip lead to connect the free negative battery terminal to the bent end of one of these wires. Use two more alligator clip leads to connect the free positive battery terminal to the positive probe of the multimeter, and the negative probe of the multimeter to the bent end of the remaining silver wire.
Adjust the multimeter display sensitivity to 200 volts DC. When the silver wires are separated, the multimeter should display zero volts. When the wires are crossed, the display should read about 36 volts. If your readings are similar, your generator is ready for use.
Making the CS Solution
Fill a clean glass with distilled water, and put the silver wires on opposite sides of the glass, by hooking the u shaped ends over the rim. If your multimeter reads more than four volts, the distilled water has too many impurities, and you should try another brand.
When the multimeter reading climbs to 30 volts, periodically shine your a red laser through the water to see if the beam is visible. If it isn't, let the process continue. When the beam is visible in a well lit room, your colloid's potency is ideal, and you can remove the electrodes and turn off the multimeter.
If the water turns yellow, and a gray film appears on the bottom of the glass, you didn't stop soon enough. You can still pour this solution through a coffee filter, and use it without any harmful effects.
Using the CS Solution
In his book, "Use of Colloids in Health," Dr Henry Crooks discussed his experiments with colloidal silver and his discovery that "No known microbe lasts more than 6 minutes in a dilution of as little as 5 parts per million." According to Mark Etherton at www.DreamWeaver.Ltd.uk, you can verify this by leaving two bowls of muesli with milk, on a window sill. Spray one of the bowls in the morning and evening with a colloidal silver solution. Leave the other one alone. After several weeks, the untreated bowl will be spoiled rotten, but the treated bowl will have no bacterial growth.
Now that you know what CS can do, you'll want to use it regularly. You can take four teaspoons a day to maintain good health, or as much as three glasses a day, if you're suffering from an acute viral, parasitic, or bacterial condition. Apply the CS topically to cuts, sores, rashes, and other skin ailments, to get quick relief. Colloidal silver can also be used in a nebulizer, to treat lung ailments. Don't forget to spray it on countertops, produce and anywhere else that germs congregate. The sky's the limit!