Alternative Medicine for Prostate Cancer
Using Natural Cancer Treatments
A cancer diagnosis can be devastating, and many people fear conventional treatments and their possible side effects. This leads people to investigate natural therapies. As it stands now, no natural therapies have been proven to treat or cure cancer on their own. Certain supplements have shown benefit in clinical studies but are best used in conjunction with standard therapies. Do not use natural supplements without telling your doctor. While many supplements can enhance the action of conventional therapies, they can potentially interfere depending on the supplement and the treatments you are undergoing. Be wary of information you find online about miracle supplements whose websites are heavy on testimonials but are lacking any scientific research to support their claims.
The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests the following treatments might be helpful for prostate cancer.
Using Diet to Enhance Treatment
A good diet is an important part of your natural treatment strategy. You want to enhance your immune system as much as possible to help it fight off cancerous cells. Many conventional treatments can suppress the immune system as well. Alternative medicine works on the idea that you need to address all aspects of your health to heal. A healthy diet is a cornerstone of any alternative treatment regimen, particularly for cancer.
The university makes the following recommendations for prostate cancer. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly berries and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. They are high in antioxidants and cancer-fighting substances. Choose plants that cover the whole spectrum of colors. Reduce your intake of saturated fat found in animal products.
The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests the following nutritional supplements might be of benefit; in clinical studies, they hindered the growth of cancerous prostate cells. They include lycopene (15 mg twice a day) and vitamin E. Talk to your doctor about an appropriate dosage of vitamin E. Lycopene is naturally found in tomatoes and watermelon.
Herbal Therapy
The University of Maryland Medical Center reviewed studies and other literature and found that the following supplements might be beneficial for prostate cancer, although it was cited that further research is needed.
One study found green tea (500 mg daily) showed modest benefit in treating prostate cancer. Saw palmetto appears to keep male hormone production in check, which would be beneficial in prostate cancer since testosterone production encourages the growth of prostate cancer cells. Talk to your doctor about this treatment. Suggested dosages are 160 mg twice a day. Milk thistle blocked prostate cancer cells from growing in test tubes; this does not indicate whether it would work in humans; take 160 mg twice a day. Garlic extract has demonstrated action against cancer cells but has never been studied specifically for prostate cancer; take 400 mg three times a day.