Home Remedy for Sundamaged Skin
Aloe is one of the most frequently used plants for remedying sun-damaged skin. The plant has long, cactus-like leaves that that are filled with a soothing gel-like substance. According to sunburn.ws (Reference 1), when using aloe to help heal sun-damaged skin, you should peel the skin off aloe leaves and apply the fleshy, gel-coated section of leaves to the affected area. Aloe will serve both as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. To make the remedy even more soothing, aloe leaves can be refrigerated prior to treatment.
Lavender Extract
Lavender is a shrubby evergreen plant that has been used for centuries because of its medicinal and aromatic qualities. According to sunburn.ws, lavender extract, which is a condensed liquid form of the plant, can help remedy sun-damaged skin. In addition to relieving pain, lavender extract also helps the damaged skin heal. For best results, the above source recommends mixing approximately 20 drops of lavender extract with a cup of water, and applying the solution with a cloth or sponge to the affected areas.
White and apple cider vinegar are both home remedies for sun-damaged skin. According to pathways-womens-sexual-health.com (Reference 2), these vinegars work because they contain malic acid, which helps restore the pH levels (or helps balance the acidity and alkalinity) of the affected skin. White and apple cider vinegar are especially useful for preventing and minimizing peeling and blistering.
Food and Drink Remedies
There are a number of common food and drink items that can be used to as home remedies for sun-damaged skin, including yogurt, cucumbers, oatmeal, lemons, tea and milk. Yogurt can help sooth damaged skin, and yogurts that feature live cultures can also help repair it. Cucumber slices can be rubbed on affected areas and also provide a soothing, as well as cooling, effect. Lemon juice helps disinfect damaged skin, but it is important to dilute it with water before applying. Oatmeal can serve as both an anti-inflammatory and a pain-reliever. Sunburn.ws recommends mixing it into a warm bath, letting it settle for approximately 15 minutes and then soaking in it. Boiled tea bags can be applied to damage skin, and it is thought the tea's tannins can help speed up the healing process. Milk is another home remedy, which can help reduce swelling caused by sun-damage because of its lactic-acid content.