Home Remedy for Nausea & Hot Flashes
What is Nausea?
You are experiencing waves of queasiness and dizziness. It's hard to keep anything down. You want a remedy eases or cures your nausea. But first, you need to find out what's causing it.
If your nausea is caused by food poisoning, overdose or poison, your system is trying to get rid of deadly poison. Get immediate medical help. The same is true if a heart attack, kidney or liver disease or another serious condition is causing nausea. But once you are sure your nausea is not life-threatening, there are many excellent home remedies to treat it.
What are Hot Flashes?
You are a woman who feels fine one moment, and the next feels too warm, flushed, sweating and very uncomfortable. You are experiencing a 'hot flash' because your blood vessels, particularly those in your face, are dilating. This vasodilation is caused by hormonal changes in your body, usually due to menopause. Medication may or may not be indicated, but you will want to treat your symptoms so you feel better. There are a number of home remedies that can help.
Home Remedies for Nausea
Peppermint tea and peppermints work great for nausea, but they must contain real oil of peppermint, not just flavoring. Also, try a few drops of oil of peppermint in water. Parsley, sage and rosemary relieve gas and stimulate digestion. Ginger, anise, chamomile, cinnamon, fennel, goldenseal and red raspberry leaf teas all help with nausea. Ginger-ale and soda crackers can help with short-term nausea (the cracker's baking soda helps rid your stomach of excess acid).
A remedy for motion sickness nausea is acupressure. Take your right hand thumb and first finger and apply gentle steady pressure on the skin between your left hand thumb and first finger. You should feel the nausea lessen. Fresh, cool air will also help. Warm, stuffy air increases nausea.
Home Remedies for Hot Flashes
Ginger tea, raspberry leaf tea and sage tea sweetened with anise are all effective for hot flashes. Chamomile and linden flower tea are also good. Always keep the air around you fresh and cool, particularly when sleeping; stuffy warmth can trigger a hot flash.
Black cohosh and dong quai supplements have phytoestrogens -- naturally occurring plant-based non-steroidal estrogens that can ease you through the hormonal changes that cause hot flashes.
Home Remedies for Nausea and Hot Flashes
Ginger, cinnamon, anise seeds, licorice root, star anise, fennel, chamomile and goldenseal all help with both nausea and hot flashes. In particular, anise, star anise and fennel contain phytoestrogens, and they also help settle the stomach. And remember ---lots of fresh, cool air helps to ease both nausea and hot flashes.