Acid Reflux Treatment Without Drugs
The Mayo Clinic reports that acid reflux is more specifically known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER) and is not interchangeable with the more severe gastroesophageal disease known as GERD.
The Merck Manual of Health and Aging reports that the most obvious symptoms of acid reflux are heartburn that sometimes extends to the neck, throat and face, and regurgitated material from the stomach that causes a sour taste in the mouth.
According to the Merck Manual of Health and Aging, lifestyle changes can treat acid reflux. These include raising the head of the bed 6 inches, smaller meals, not lying down after a meal, reducing fatty foods, and eliminating cigarettes, caffeine and alcohol.
Who Is Affected
The Merck Manual of Health and Aging reports that 10 percent of all people are affected and about half have acid reflux once a month. It affects old and young and is more common among men.
When to See a Doctor
According to the Mayo Clinic, you should see your doctor if symptoms worsen, or if you experience nausea, vomiting or difficulty swallowing.