Tribulus Benefits
The reason the Tribulus plant is supposedly good for several ailments is because it is believed the Tribulous can increase the luteininzing hormones. The luteininzing hormones are the hormones that help the body to create testosterone. In one study the subjects each took 750mg of Tribulus each day and the results were a 72 percent increase in luteininzing hormones and a 41 percent increase in testosterone.
Tribulus was first introduced to North America by bodybuilders because many of the performance enhancing drugs that bodybuilders use increase the levels of testosterone. Higher levels of testosterone in the body will lead to increases in muscle size, stamina and strength.
Bodybuilders commonly use Tribulus, but they usually use it on their own without it being suggested by a doctor. A doctor will most often recommend Tribulus to somebody with fertility disorders. Since Tribulus increases the amount of testosterone made in the body it can help to treat erectile dysfunction and other problems with the libido.
Tribulus has also been found to be an effective diuretic. Diuretics are a type of medicine that will remove body fluids from the body by causing the body to urinate. Diuretics can be used to help treat dysuria and urinary stones as well as help to lose weight.
Blood Pressure
One of the most common ailments in the world is high blood pressure. In men, high blood pressure can occur because of a lack of testosterone. Since Tribulus increases the amount of testosterone in the body it could lead to a healthier level of blood pressure.
If someone has low levels of testosterone increasing the testosterone using Tribulus can be very helpful. If someone already has the right amount of testosterone but uses Tribulus to get bigger and stronger then there are side effects of high testosterone levels. Some of the side effects of testosterone levels that are too high include erectile dysfunction, baldness, acne, nausea, headaches, anxiety and depression.