Alternative Cure for Yeast Infection in Women
Treat a yeast infection with probiotics, which are a natural bacteria found in the female vagina as well as in the digestive system. Probiotics help to produce niacin and folic acid in the body, as well as help protect the stomach and intestines from bacteria by creating hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid during digestion. The most common source of probiotics is yogurt, one of the most commonly used prodcuts to treat yeast infections.
Foods and Probiotics
Eat foods that contain acidophilus, most specifically lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium. Such foods may include, but are not limited to, fermented as well as unfermented milks, yogurt, tempeh and miso. Probiotics can also be found in cranberry juice and in some soy products such as soy milk and tofu.
Probiotic Supplements
Take supplements that contain probiotics such as acidophilus, available in liquid, capsule and powder forms. Today, consumers can even purchase acidophilus beverages at most natural or health-food stores. When purchasing probiotics for curing a yeast infection, always choose those that contain lactobacillus acidophilus.