Home Remedy for a Fissure
Sitz Baths
A sitz bath provides a great deal of relief from the pain of anal fissures. If you don't have a sitz bath in your home, a hot tub can provide the same effective treatment. The hot water soothes the sore skin and relaxes the muscles.
You can buy a sitz bath at most drug stores for a small amount of money. The bath fits right over the toilet and can be used several times a day for relief. The bath only covers the affected area and is also used to treat hemorrhoids.
Pat dry your skin when you finish with a sitz bath and never rub the affected area.
Pillows and cushions
Sitting comfortably is one of the biggest problems with anal fissures. An investment in a donut-shaped pillow can provide a great deal of comfort until the fissures have healed. Some of these cushions are also filled with liquids to provide warmth to the area. These special cushions and pillows are available in a medical supply store or you should ask your doctor to recommend a pillow for you.
Take your donut pillow with you when you go out of the home. If you spend a good deal of time sitting at work, you should have your cushion with you.
Toilet Tissue and Cleansing
Rough toilet tissue can tear the skin, especially when the tissue is dry. A bidet seems like the ideal answer to the problem, but many people will not incur the expense of installing one in their home. Use cleansing wipes that are designed to be used like toilet tissue, but are much less irritating to the skin. Do not use scented or colored toilet paper as the fragrance and dyes may exacerbate the symptoms of fissures. White plain toilet paper is best or you can use facial tissue instead for a much softer tissue.
Have your anal fissures checked by a doctor if they do not heal within a month. An anal fissure that does not heal can be a sign of a much more serious condition.