How to Heal With Flowers
Most people appreciate how fresh flowers lift spirits and brighten the atmosphere. Flowers have so much more to offer. Flowers can heal the body and mind with deep and brilliant colors. Flower essences bring healing energy for many forms of mind-body dysfunction.Instructions
Heal with chromotherapy (color therapy). In a 2007 presentation to the Texas Senate Ladies Club, Carol Bice provided insight into healing with flowers and color. According to Bice, the simple presence of flowers has a psychological healing effect. Surround yourself with violets or lavender to stimulate a sense of authority or to send unconscious feelings of spirituality. Help to circulate oxygen to the brain with orange flowers, such as calendula.
Use flowers for anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antispasmodic healing properties. The Holistic Online website describes the healing properties of chrysanthemum flowers. Chrysanthemums have anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce fever and soothe reddened eyes. The Monterey Bay Spice Company website suggests using a chrysanthemum infusion to reduce fever. Infuse one teaspoon of chrysanthemum flower heads in one cup of near-boiling distilled water. Steep the tea for five minutes. Add a small amount of raw honey. Drink hourly. Do not drink if weakness or diarrhea is present. The Herbs2000 website recommends placing warmed chrysanthemum heads over your eyes to draw out redness and irritation. If you are allergic to chrysanthemums, do not apply them to your eyes.
Refresh and heal with the herbal and homeopathic properties of flower essences. According to Reader's Digest's book "The Complete Illustrated Book of Herbs," crab-apple blossoms, gentian and vervain flower essences promote a healthy sense of self and improve communication. Crab-apple flower essence promotes self esteem. Gentian flower essence energizes and encourages deflated spirits. Vervain opens channels of understanding and communication when inflexibility threatens. The website Rainflower Essences explains ways to use flower essences. Place two or three drops of flowers essence under your tongue. Repeat three to four times a day for a lunar month. Increase the number of drops if needed.
You can also apply flower essences to pulse or chakra points. Repeat this method as often as desired. If you have sensitivity to an essence, carry a small glass vial containing the essence around your neck. This method reduces healing effects, however.