Sun Lamp Healing Uses
Sun lamps have a battery that charges during the daylight hours by solar radiation. A solar panel converts the sun's energy into electrical power during the daytime. This maintains the battery power-pack charge, which supplies the lamp during the night when needed. Sun lamps (particularly artificial broad spectrum light sources) help plants grow and thrive. Infrared lamps are used frequently on farms to help indoor animals remain healthy and warm. Sun lamps are also used to help reptiles thrive in aquariums.
Healers have known about the sun's healing effects since ancient times. The medical profession later realized that sunlight provides the human body vitamin D. In modern times, the use of concentrated light sources in the form of sun lamps is used as a treatment option for a variety of maladies.
Though it hasn't been officially approved to do so by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), light therapy is often used by mental health providers to treat depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and Parkinson's tremors. Sun lamps are also used for deep penetrating light therapy, which uses light-emitting diodes (semiconductors) to heal wounds. Deep penetrating light therapy is also used on bodily pain, acne and wrinkles.
Light therapy helps alter your body's natural circadian rhythms. This helps control the negative effects of seasonal affective disorder. Light therapy may even help those who suffer from major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and postpartum depression. Light therapy is often used in hospitals to treat neonatal jaundice.
It is important to consider the side effects involved with sun lamp healing. Possible side effects include: fatigue, headaches, irritability, nausea, vomiting, sleep problems, eyestrain or dry mouth. UV light may cause eye or skin damage. Although most sun lamps do not contain UV, some do. Contact your doctor before using a sun lamp, especially if you have sensitive skin or eye problems. You should also consult your doctor before using a sun lamp if you suffer from bipolar disorder, SAD or any kind of depression.