Home Cures for Internal Parasites
Parasite cleansing kits
Many parasite-cleansing kits can be bought at health food stores or online and consist of mostly herbal supplements and laxatives. These kits come with premixed ingredients so you don't have to deal with dosages. They include several herbs to kill the various stages of parasites and their eggs, and usually include an herbal laxative to help expel them afterward. Most of these kits may seem a bit expensive at first, but usually they are a better deal than buying all the herbs needed for cleansing separately.
Do-it-yourself cleanse
When using this method, it is important to use graduated dosages to kill all the various forms of the parasites. For an effective parasite cleanse, use all three of the following herbs together: black walnut, wormwood and cloves. These three herbs can kill more than 100 types of parasites. Black walnut and wormwood kill hundreds of parasites in many growth stages when used together. Cloves kill parasite eggs. In his 18-day parasite cleanse program for adults, Dr. Hulda Clark suggests using the following dosages. He also suggests using one capsule of each weekly to prevent further parasite problems.
Black Walnut
Black walnut contains iodine and assists in blood oxygenation, healing and toxin removal. It is also used to treat various fungal infections. It is best to take this in capsule form in order to get identical dosages in the system. If you cannot swallow capsules, it comes in tinctures too.
Black walnut is to be taken as follows: one capsule a day for the first five days; two capsules on the sixth day; discontinue until thirteenth day and take two capsules that day.
This herb stimulates digestion and acid and weakens parasite membranes. It should not be taken by pregnant or breast-feeding women or for long periods of time. Wormwood also comes in capsule and tincture form.
Wormwood is to be increased every two days until reaching seven capsules on the thirteenth day. For example: One capsule is taken the first two days; two capsules a day are taken the next two days; three capsules are taken on the fifth and sixth day. When Day 13 is reached, seven capsules are taken, and seven capsules are taken each day for the next four days.
Cloves are a powerful germ killer. This herb stimulates the stomach and lungs and increases blood circulation. Although you can use kitchen herbs, when using cloves for parasite removal, it is best to use the capsule form so that precise measurements are used. Cloves that help kill parasite eggs are taken more often.
On Day 1, a single capsule is taken three times a day. The dosage for Day 2 is two capsules three times a day. On Day 3, three capsules are taken three times a day, and the same amount should be continued each day until Day 11, when the dosage ends with seven capsules.
Pumpkin seeds
Native Americans used to chew pumpkin seeds to get rid of worms. These seeds have been known to kill many kinds. Seeds can be chewed, but they also come in capsule form.
Many herbal treatments have been ineffective at killing tapeworms and common roundworms. Dr. Clark claims in his book "The Cure for All Diseases" that using 3,000 mg of CoQ10 all at once will rid the body of them.
Gentian root is another remedy for worms and parasites. It strengthens the organs and the blood and is good for repairing an ailing system. Other herbs that claim to rid the body of parasites are hyssop, fennel seed, grapefruit seed and thyme. Make sure to drink plenty of water while on an herbal cleanse to flush the parasites and toxins out of your system.