How to Cure Mrsa Naturally
Things You'll Need
- a doctor who is open to using natural cures
Curing MRSA Naturally
Find a medical doctor who is open to using natural cures to treat MRSA. MRSA can be fatal so it is best to use all treatments available to treat MRSA. However, when a case of MRSA seems resistant to the alternative antibiotics used to treat it (vancomycin), it is important to work with a doctor who is open to combining the continued use of the alternative antibiotics with natural treatments.
Make an old-fashioned poultice to put on a MRSA-caused boil or skin eruption, either after a doctor lances the eruption or beforehand. Lay the compresses on it, changing them frequently. Some suggested ingredients that MRSA-sufferers have had success with are: oatmeal and baking soda; hydrogen peroxide and witch hazel; hot compresses and Manuka honey.
Use essential oils to treat MRSA skin infections. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that applying essential oils to skin infections caused by the MRSA bacteria can be helpful in curing MRSA. Tea tree oil has been shown by research to be especially effective in treating MRSA-caused skin eruptions and infections.
Diet is important in fighting MRSA. Tumeric is believed to be especially effective in destroying the MRSA bacteria. Some people believe that meat and fish contain HEME iron which causes MRSA bacteria to erupt. They report that MRSA is cured when they remove these foods from their diet. Likewise, white sugar is believed by many people to "feed" the MRSA bacteria and eliminate it from their diet with excellent results.
Drink Kefir. Kefir is a cultured drink made from cow's, goat's or sheep's milk. Many MRSA patients report significant improvements in their condition when they start drinking it.
Make sure that there is plenty of magnesium in the diet. Magnesium is believed to be effective in fighting the MRSA bacteria. Good sources of magnesium are pumpkin and squash seed kernels, spinach, brazil nuts, bran cereal, halibut, quinoa, almonds and soybeans.
Be especially careful with hygiene. MRSA bacteria cannot pass when clothes are well laundered, dishes are well cleaned and hands are well washed.