What Is Energy Flow?
Think of qi as an electric current, as everything in your body relies on qi for power. The current of this energy has to flow freely and steadily, or disharmony in the body will result.
There have been several approaches cultivated over the centuries that practice the art of manipulating and facilitating the body's energy flow in order to maintain or achieve wellness. Reiki, tai chi, qigong, acupressure and acupuncture are all practices that are founded on the energy theory of the body.
The energy theory of the body is not an idea embraced by traditional Western medicine, even though it has been accepted as a viable biological premise in the East for centuries.
While Western medicine is beginning to acknowledge that there are measurable benefits to such alternative healing techniques as acupuncture, there is still a reluctance to attribute this success to the manipulation of subtle energy in the body.
If you hold your hands about six inches apart as you relax, breathe deeply and settle the mind, you will often feel a magnetic, tingling sensation in your palms and fingers that Eastern tradition says is chi energy flowing between your hands.