Alternative Cures for a Urinary Tract Infection
Alternative Cures for a Urinary Tract Infection: Cranberries
Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon) are a popular alternative cure for a UTI. According to the article, "Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections" published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2008, they contain a substance that stops bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder and urinary tract. Additionally, treatment with cranberries was most effective for women with recurrent infections and reduced the frequency of their UTIs annually. To use cranberries as an alternative cure for a UTI, buy pure unsweetened cranberry juice or cranberry powder in the form of tablets or capsules. The sugars found in regular cranberry juice will only aggravate your UTI. The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends 300 to 400 mg (pure cranberry powder) two times a day or eight oz. of unsweetened juice three times a day.
Alternative Cures for a Urinary Tract Infection: Garlic Tea
The power of garlic can be an effective alternative cure for a UTI according to Bee Wilder, a health researcher and the editor of Healing Naturally. The naturally occurring antibiotics and antimicrobial elements found in garlic kill the bacteria responsible for the UTI. Raw, freshly crushed garlic needs to be used, garlic powder or granules can not be substituted. Drink four cups of garlic tea per day for four days or more. Boil two cups of water, remove from heat, add two cloves of freshly crushed garlic and let it steep for 20 minutes. You can add lemon for flavor.
Alternative Cures for a Urinary Tract Infection: Urine Therapy & Parsley Tea
Dr. James Howenstine, MD, suggests trying a combination of urine therapy and parsley tea to cure your UTI. Collect one oz. of your first morning urine in a clean cup and boil with a handful of fresh parsley and one qt. water. Simmer for one hour. Strain the tea and drink one batch slowly throughout the day. This regimen can be continued for up to ten days.
If your symptoms do not clear up in a few days, or if you develop a fever or vomiting, see your doctor immediately, as these are signs of a serious, possibly life threatening, infection.