Does Nasal Irrigation Help Bad Breath?
Don't get caught with bad breath.
Bad breath may be caused by symptoms related to nasal drainage. A bad cold or sinus infection can cause nasal congestion. Sometimes it can make your breath smell bad because of the buildup of mucus in the nasal passages. Things like allergies can cause post-nasal drip, a condition that results in excess nasal drainage down the back of the throat. These all can be culprits of bad breath.
The treatment for bad breath usually depends on the cause. There are plenty of medications available that dry up your nasal passages. However, many people don't like to take these because of the side effects. Luckily, nasal irrigation is a safe and effective alternative treatment. The treatment involves a solution, usually of saltwater, used to flush out the nasal passages and sinuses. Nasal irrigation can help neutralize bad breath because it gets rid of excess mucus.
The most popular tool for nasal irrigation is the Neti pot. This is a small pot that is shaped like a tea pot or an oil lamp. It is filled with a warm saltwater solution. The exact measurements that are appropriate for the solution are usually detailed in the product instructions. You should stand over a sink to perform the nasal irrigation. Cock your head slightly to one side and down. Insert the spout of the pot into the nostril that is pointing up and slowly pour the water into the nostril. You will feel the water travel into the nostril and throughout the opposite sinus cavity and then out the other nostril. You can then repeat on the other side. This also can be done with a bulb syringe or other tool.
When the water pours out the opposite nostril, it will carry out any of the excess mucus or buildup that was in the sinuses. This is a natural, safe and effective way of cleaning out the nasal passages and sinuses. It also brings instant relief, making it easier to breathe and causing less post-nasal drip. After several days of use, you may start to notice a decrease in bad breath.
The nasal irrigation also can be used as a preventative procedure. You can use your Neti pot once a week or even more frequently to clean out any bacteria that get into the nose, helping to prevent viruses and infections.