Alternative Treatments for Hypertension
Lifestyle Modifications
If you want to treat your hypertension naturally, certain lifestyle modifications are necessary to avoid cancelling out the benefits of treatment and to maximize their effectiveness. Any proponent of natural medicine will tell you a holistic approach is necessary, which means addressing all aspects of your health and not just treating symptoms of your condition. In order to maximize the benefit of alternative treatments, the following lifestyle recommendations should be heeded.
If you are overweight, you should try to lose some pounds. Even modest weight loss will have a positive impact on your blood pressure. Work out for 30 minutes every day. Break it up in smaller sessions if necessary. You should talk to your doctor about an appropriate regimen if you have hypertension. If you smoke, it is imperative you quit. Smoking raises blood pressure and damages blood vessels. Cut back on caffeine and alcohol; both raise blood pressure.
Natural treatments for hypertension aim to provide similar benefits as prescription medications, without the side effects. While herbs and supplements are generally safe, it is important to stick to recommended dosages to ensure you do not experience any negative effects.
Natural health expert Dr. Andrew Weil and the University of Maryland Medical Center suggest the following supplements might be of benefit for lowering blood pressure. It is not necessary to take every one listed as some offer similar benefits. This is an area of natural medicine where consulting with an experienced health care provider is beneficial
Low levels of magnesium and calcium have been linked with hypertension. Take 500 mg of magnesium citrate daily and 1,000 mg of calcium daily. L-arginine encourages blood vessels to dilate, which lowers blood pressure; take 1,000 mg daily. Potassium might be beneficial, but studies are mixed. Effective doses are only available by prescription so you will need to discuss this treatment with your doctor. Vitamin C is effective if you have mild to moderate hypertension; take 1,000 mg daily.
The herb achilea wilhemsii shows promise for lowering blood pressure, but more research is needed; take 20 drops of tincture twice a day. Hibiscus tea has also demonstrated ability to treat hypertension; drink one cup daily.
Some experts say argentum works best if you are subject to claustrophobia and have strong cravings for sweet and salty foods. Aurum metallicum is good if you have a serious nature and are career-driven. Calcarea carbonica is most effective if you have clammy hands and feet, are overweight and crave sweets. Lachesis is a good remedy if you are chatty and easily agitated and feel tightness in the chest. Nux vomica is a good choice if you are impatient, driven, strongly desire stimulants like coffee and are sensitive to light
Relaxation Techniques
Weil is a big proponent of relaxation to lower blood pressure. He says these techniques are very effective treatments. He suggests you try yoga, deep breathing, meditation and positive visualization. The University of Maryland Medical Center concludes that a specific form of meditation known as transcendental meditation has shown the most benefit for treating hypertension.
Alternative Treatment Modalities
Certain alternative treatments, performed by licensed professionals, seem to exert a positive effect on blood pressure. The University of Maryland Medical Center has reviewed studies for both acupuncture and massage and found they effectively lowered hypertension. Massage is also beneficial for reducing stress, and the studies showed it also reduced levels of stress hormones in the body.
Dietary Suggestions
A healthy diet is a main component of alternative treatment regimens. If you have high blood pressure, eat lots of fresh, unprocessed foods. Processed foods are usually high in sodium. Consume cold-water fish, nuts and seeds to benefit from their heart-healthy substances. Reduce your consumption of animal protein and aim for healthier protein sources like beans and whole soy foods.