Klinghardt Detox Bath
Dr. Klinghardt
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, PhD, MD, is associated with the American Academy of Neural Therapy in Seattle, WA. He spoke about neural toxins and their treatment at the University of Geneva, Switzerland in 2002. He explained that the holistic practice of detoxifying the liver is effective and should be utilized by the mainstream medical community. He advocates a whole foods high protein diet, mineral and herbal supplements and the ionic foot bath.
Neural Toxins
The liver and kidneys filter toxins from your system and eliminate them through urine and the digestive tract. Neural toxins include heavy metals like mercury and lead; bio-toxins like strep, staph, Lyme disease, fungal infections and viruses. As previously mentioned, if you are healthy and have not been overloaded with these toxins, your body will process them out. In an environment where we have so many added chemicals to our food, water and air, chances are you would benefit from a detox program.
Ionic Foot Bath
The ionic foot bath was developed in Australia. In this method, you place your feet in a specially made foot tub with electrodes, one positive and one negative. The tub is filled with non-chlorinated water in which you will soak your feet for up to half an hour at a time while a small electric current runs through the water. This current is said to help correct the magnetic currents in your body as well as restore a normal PH balance. Dr. Klinghardt states that to intensify the detoxification effect you should take a few drops of chlorella tincture 30 minutes before, and a few drops of cilantro tincture just before soaking in the bath. The cilantro boosts the liver's own detoxifying action, and the chlorella helps to get the toxins into the digestive tract for elimination rather than being reabsorbed. The water in the bath will change colors. Some say the colors represent the toxins leaving the body, but most experts disagree. The only sure way to tell what is present in the water is by testing, and taking into account that most of the iron (red-brown tint) was produced by the electrodes.
If you choose to use this detox method, be sure to use a commercially produced ionic foot bath. Don't put yourself at risk for electrocution by making your own.