Candida Treatment With Nystatin Injections
What is Nystatin?
Nystatin is one of a family of drugs developed from the bacteria streptomyces. Other meds in the group include candicidin, natamycin and amphotericin B. These drugs are usually used in pill, powder or cream form for the treatment of vaginal or intestinal yeast infections. Nystatin is the most commonly used because it is considered quite safe if taken orally, even by infants over one month old.
Injected Nystatin
While this group of drugs is generally safe when taken orally, vaginally or as a skin cream, injection is used only as a last resort. If a wound has become septic due to Candida and is not responding to other treatment, your physician may decide to inject nystatin or its relative amphotericin B. If he decides on this course of treatment, he will monitor you closely for signs of toxicity. When injected, these drugs have been associated with kidney failure and dangerously low potassium levels.
How it Works
Nystatin and its relatives work because they attack the cell membrane of the yeast. The cell membrane is weakened and eventually loses structural integrity, thus "exploding" and killing the yeast. If you take nystatin orally for a systemic yeast overgrowth, you will need to drink plenty of water to ensure the elimination of the yeast from your intestines. This will help avoid any toxicity.