Colon Cancer & Alternative Medicine

Colon cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with colon cancer, you are probably quite anxious about treatment options with an oncologist. You want to explore all your options before committing to having a part of your colon removed, radiation, chemotherapy and the possibility of a colostomy. Though the evidence is often anecdotal, there are patients who have treated their colon cancer with alternative means.

Education is key. As always, consult a trusted health care provider before attempting any form of self-treatment.
  1. Educate yourself

    • A naturopath or other alternative health practitioner will first ask you to become more educated about colon cancer and the way the human body works as one organism. The naturopath sees the whole person and realizes that many factors led up to a cancer diagnosis. By treating the cause rather than the symptom, it is more likely that the cancer cannot only be treated, but new cancer growth can be prevented.

      The National Cancer Institute provides a lot of scientific and factual information about colorectal and other forms of cancer. This is a good place to begin your research:


    • The World Health Organization has linked environmental toxins to 60 to 80 percent of all cancers ( Our bodies are perfectly designed to handle all poisons (toxins) that come our way, but unless we eat pure food, drink pure water, exercise vigorously and get adequate rest each night, in time we develop toxic overload. This toxic overload is expressed in the body as fat and mucous. As we age, the poisons we are storing inside these fat cells can cause disease, including cancer.

      Alternative health practitioners encourage regular detoxifying with the use of juice fasts and herbal solutions to cleanse the elimination organs: the bowel, the liver and the kidneys. Once the elimination organs are functioning properly, the bloodstream and body tissues can detoxify and restore themselves.


    • Chemical oxidation also allows disease. The phrase "if you rust, you rot" is true. The "rusting" is called free radical damage. Certain junk foods and other toxins damage DNA and other cell components. One of the fastest ways to damage body tissue cells with free radicals is by eating too much animal fat. This is why a vegan/vegetarian diet is often recommended for cancer patients.

    Cleansing steps

    • Step one is elimination. Cancer patients should drink at least a half gallon of pure water daily, and a gallon is preferable. In addition, a juice fast for at least a week is recommended. These juices are best if homemade in a juicer, and are a balance of fruit, carrot and green vegetable juices. Herbs are added to the protocol to encourage elimination.

      Step two is rebuilding tissues and restoring energy. This is done by eating a high-quality diet and completely avoiding junk food, alcohol, coffee, smoking, sugar, meat, dairy and processed food. High-quality supplements are added.

      Step three is keeping your body clean. It is important to understand that you can never return to your former lifestyle. It was killing you. A "clean" diet, customized supplements and herbal aids, an exercise program and relaxation techniques should be included.


    • Nutritional supplements to consider include selenium, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, carotenoids, cranberry, elderberry, glyconutrients and polyphenols. Herbs specific to cancer include graviola, chaparrel, Oregan grape root, pau d'arco and milk thistle.

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