Natural Relief for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
Do a chin tuck. The website recommends that you sit upright in a firm chair. Place the web between your index finger and thumb onto the front of your lower jaw. Unclench your teeth, keeping them slightly apart. Press your lower jaw gently with your hand's web. Move your chin backward, causing your upper teeth to protrude. Do not open your mouth any further. Gently push your lower jaw forward into your hand, and hold for 3 seconds. Return to the original position. Repeat this exercise 4 times.
Stress Relief
Lower your stress level. Many times, TMJ results from excessive stress and the inability to properly cope with it.
Begin meditation. Learn how to sit in a quiet place and clear your mind of any distractions---you can take a class or teach yourself. Remove all thoughts, and concentrate on your breathing. Be grateful for your breaths.
Do aerobic exercises. According to the American Heart Association, aerobic exercises such as running, walking, bicycling and even mowing the lawn can provide natural stress relief.
Natural Modalities
Find an acupuncturist---a trained health professional who provides natural pain relief by using needles that stimulate your body's energy flow and remove blockages that cause disease and conditions such as TMJ.
Begin massage therapy. A massage therapist can help ease your TMJ disorder by manually manipulating (massaging) the affected muscles and tissues causing the pain. A professionally licensed massage therapist can help with elimination of metabolic wastes. Massage therapy can also increase your oxygen intake and nutrient absorption while stimulating your blood flow, all of which can provide natural relief for TMJ, according to
Start seeing a chiropractor. Chiropractors have training in manipulating your skeletal system to help alleviate any pain or stiffness. They can also help improve functioning of associated muscles and nerves. In addition to adjusting your skeletal system, chiropractic practitioners can use rehabilitative exercises, massage and nutrition, plus ice and heat therapies.
Wear A Mouth Guard
Avoid jaw and teeth clenching. Not only painful, jaw clenching can cause damage to your joints and teeth, according to You can find a variety of mouth guards you can wear during your sleeping hours. Purchase your mouth guard at your local pharmacy, or visit your dentist's office for a fitting. A chiropractor may also help you in this area.
Know What to Avoid or Limit
Certain things will cause you unnecessary pain. Avoid, or severely limit, activities that cause excess strain on your TMJ. Examples of these activities include gum chewing, biting your fingernails and chewing any food that takes excessive jaw movement such as caramels, tough cuts of red meat and crunchy snack foods.