Cottage Cheese & Flaxseed Oil Diet
The Diet
The diet consists of eating 4 ounces of organic cottage cheese mixed with 1 ½ ounces of organic linseed or flaxseed oil each day. Honey can be used as a sweetener. The combination should be mixed until the oil is no longer visible.
Patients also are encouraged to stay away from hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated and polyunsaturated fats. Sugar, salad oils, butter and margarine are all on the taboo list. Along with a healthy, low-fat diet, patients are encouraged to drink fresh vegetable juice and to eat yogurt mixed with two spoonfuls of flax seeds.
How it Works
During her career, Dr. Budwig conducted research studies on fats and oils and the combination and interaction of sulphurated proteins and flaxseed oil. Many of Dr. Budwig's clinical trials involved seriously ill patients. She reported that the blood of cancer patients was a greenish-yellow color, a sign the blood was oxygen-deprived.
Dr. Budwig developed the cottage cheese and flaxseed oil diet as a way to replenish blood cells with needed oxygen. According to the diet's promoters, the proteins in the cottage cheese bind to the electron-rich fats in the flaxseed oil. The combination makes the fats water-soluble and creates electrons that are able to pass through cell walls and provide the cells with oxygen. When the food combination was taken over a three-month period, Dr. Budwig said, tumors and many of the symptoms associated with the cancer disappeared (See Reference 3).
There are no published studies that confirm the claims of Dr. Budwig or her supporters. Testimonials from cancer patients who state the diet cured them of cancer are published at
Reports by supporters state that the diet is used in Europe as a cancer treatment and preventative, and that it is used to treat cardiac infarction, stomach ulcers, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, strokes, eczema and immune deficiencies.
Other Research
Current research confirms the benefits of using flaxseed oil and a low-fat diet to treat cancer. In 2007, researchers at Duke University Medical Center announced their findings that flaxseed could inhibit the growth of prostate cancer.
Researchers studied men with prostate cancer who were scheduled for surgery. They found a slower rate of tumor growth after surgery in study participants who had eaten flaxseed or eaten it with a low-fat diet than in men who had eaten only a low-fat diet or were in the study's control group.