Home Remedies From Noni Fruit
However, there are nutrients in noni fruit that provide home remedies. It is high in fiber and Vitamin C. The oil from the seeds is high in linoleic acid, which may be helpful in treating some skin conditions.
Promoting Overall Health
Noni fruit is taken as a supplement to promote overall health. Dr. Harvey Kaltsas, President of the American Association of Oriental Medicine, cited it as an excellent source of "polysaccharides, fatty acids, and proteins-compounds." Those who take noni fruit to enhance their overall health typically take it in a juice form. You may purchase noni juice online. If, like some people, you find the taste of pure noni juice too strong for your liking, you may also purchase capsules and tablets online or at your local natural foods store.
Lowering Cholesteral
As a home remedy to help lower cholesterol, drink at least 16 ounces of noni juice or take capsules every day for at least one month. This is supposed to help lower your overall cholesterol and triglycerides.
Treating Diabetes
Noni fruit is also used as a home remedy for treating diabetes. Traditionally, the treatment for diabetes is to chew noni leaves, which may be ordered online. The fiber in the noni leaves is supposed to slow the absorption of simple sugars during the digestive process.
Topical Usage
Used topically as an ointment preparation, noni fruit is said to help with skin care and fight inflammation and infections. In skin care, you can use it to increase skin cell regeneration and function. Due to the high levels of Vitamin C in noni fruit, it has analgesic and antiseptic properties and can be applied to rashes and other skin irritations. You may purchase ointments containing noni fruit online or at a health food store.
Like any home remedy, seek the advice of your physician before using noni fruit for treatment purposes.
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