Natural Wart Remedies
Calendula Cream
While warts often go away on their own, some stick around and require removal. For these, at-home treatments are an effective option. Calendula cream is commonly used to treat various skin conditions, warts being no exception. Apply this herbal cream twice a day to warts for effective removal. Calendula has antiviral properties and stimulates the immune system, helping to remove the wart. Mix a couple of drops of oil of lemon into the calendula cream for even more effective removal. Lemon oil also has antiviral properties.
Dandelion is another treatment option for getting rid of warts. Rub the sap from the root of a fresh dandelion plant on the wart twice a day until it disappears. Dandelion tea is often taken internally to treat skin conditions, but the milky sap from the root can be applied directly to a wart. This process will take several weeks or even months to work.
Whole lemon is also a possibility when it comes to treating warts. The white, fleshy part of the peel in particular contains antiseptic properties. Before going to bed for the night, put a small piece of lemon peel, with the white side facing down, over the wart and tape over with a bandage. Consistent application of the peel overnight will help to soften and remove the wart.
Onion is another alternative for the home treatment of warts. Split an onion in half, scoop out the center section, and put in 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Allow to set for a few hours until a liquid onion/salt solution appears in the center of the onion. Apply this salt and onion juice liquid to the wart two or three times a day. Continue this treatment until the wart disappears.
Oil of Oregano
Oregano oil has antibacterial properties and can be helpful in getting rid of warts. Put one drop of oil of oregano onto the wart nightly and cover it with a bandage. The wart should be eradicated in a couple of days.