Information on Colloidal Silver Cream or Salve for the Skin
Skin rashes, psoriasis and other skin conditions
The salve is excellent for sensitive skin and beneficial when used on skin irritations and rashes.
Open wounds, cuts and scrapes
Using the salve directly on open wounds has been said to speed healing and to help combat infections. It is as simple as just applying salve to a Band-Aid and covering the sore.
Athlete's foot and other fungus
Rub the salve over the foot and between the toes. Colloidal silver has been very successful in killing fungi of various kinds. It will help relieve the itching as well.
Use the salve to treat acne breakouts just like any other acne medication. It fights the bacteria that cause acne to spread and speeds healing of the eruption.
Insect bites
Treating insect bites with the salve helps to speed healing and reduce the sting.
Other uses
It has been rumored to have successfully treated such things as cancer, hepatitis C, yeast infections, gangrene,warts, staff infections and other viral and bacteria infections. Many people also use it on their pets' skin for various conditions or to heal wounds.
Medical disputes and scares
Many sources have spread the word about a condition called Agyria, a rare disorder in which people permanently turn blue as a result of large quantities of silver ingestion. The truth behind the matter is that they have ingested large amounts of silver from homemade colloidal silver contaminated with salts that concentrated in their system over a period of time. Also in spite of his blue skin color the most noted case of Paul Karason has been examined by Mount Sinai Hospital and found to be in good heath and free from the health problems that he took the silver for. Today's products are measured in parts per million and have not caused such problems. The medical community has spread alarm and claimed that it is ineffective due to the fact that they would lose millions in antibiotic sales if people were to truly understand its effectiveness. Antibiotics can cause other problems in the body and there are also many things that have now become antibiotic resistant as a result of their overuse.
Colloidal silver is very gentle and soothing to the skin but has a powerful effect on the immune system. It is amazing how well it works, and since it is not ingested there is never any worry about turning blue.