Homeopathic Remedies for Adenoiditis
Boost Immune System
Echinacea can boost the lymph and immune system. Some people add garlic tablets to help provide an extra boost, and both can be purchased at your local drug store or natural food or vitamin store. Ayurvedic treatments may consist of a variety of mixtures. For example, create a gargling mixture of 50 grams of tumeric powder and 25 grams of rock salt and mix well. Encourage the child to gargle every morning, spitting out the fluid and not swallowing when done.
Natural Remedies
Shrink swollen adenoids by mixing one teaspoon of honey with a small pinch of black pepper. Add to that five drops of lemon juice. Offer the mixture to the child twice a day (morning and evening) for two days. Or purchase Baryta carb 30 pills from your natural food store. Baryta is often used as an expectorant. These can be offered in five-pill doses twice a day for two days. Always let your pediatrician know if you are trying homeopathic remedies as a treatment, especially if your child is already on medication.
Place a vaporizer in your child's room to help moisten the air and clear irritants from the environment, and also to help relieve congestion. As your doctor about diet and nutrition in order to help boost your child's immune system function. If you don't see any improvement in your child's condition in a couple of days, seek medical advice and treatment. Avoid the temptation to self-diagnose, as severe adenoid infection may cause breathing complications.