Alternative Treatment for Hepatitis C
According to the Mayo Clinic, most people infected with the hepatitis C virus do not know that they are infected and have no symptoms. The early stages of hepatitis C may mimic many common symptoms of colds and flus like fatigue, fever, nausea and may include a feeling of tenderness in the area of the liver. The most common form of diagnosis for hepatitis C is a blood test that looks for the viral load in your blood. Many health clinics do random screening tests for hepatitis C in people who may be at high risk due to needle use of injected drugs or sexual contact with those infected by hepatitis C. Once the positive diagnosis is made, medications and diet are usually prescribed although an alternative regime can also be implemented alongside the traditional one.
Diet treatment
Stopping the ingestion of alcohol and other drugs that have liver damaging potential is the first step in treating hepatitis C through diet. Then, a diet that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables should be implemented, according to the Mayo clinic. According to the Hepatitis Diet, by the Janis and Friends website-- a site dedicated to helping those with hepatitis C-- animal products should be avoided as well as coffee, cola and other high caffeine products. The website recommends lots of fresh vegetables and vegetable juice and whole grains, such as oats, brown rice and corn tortillas as well as healthy fats like flax seed and olive oil.
Herbal therapy
Milk thistle is the most commonly used herb for liver diseases and liver protection in western herbalism. It has been found to protect liver cells form damage and even help the liver regenerate according to Dr. Andrew Weil, a noted authority on natural therapies. He recommends combining milk thistle with the Chinese herb schizandra, a berry which is also known to support liver function, for people who are treating hepatitis through natural or alternative means and as a adjunct to conventional therapy.
Vitamin Treatment
The liver is responsible for manufacturing a host of beneficial substances in the human body including vitamins. By supplementing the diet with certain vitamins, you can give your liver a nutritional boost that can help it function and heal. In a study published in the journal Free Radical Research, Vol. 27, No. 6, in 1997, researchers Herbay, Stahl, Niederau and Sies, at the Heinuich-Heine-Universität in Düsseldorf, Germany, found that supplementation with vitamin E helped to lower the levels of oxidative stress in hepatitis C patients that is normally associated with contributing to liver damage.
Hepatitis C is a disease in which there is no known or recognized cure and most sufferers live out their entire lives carrying the virus. However, the progression of the disease from slight inflammation to liver disease and eventual failure is highly variable and some people are able to live long and relatively healthy lives while infected with hepatitis C. By treating hepatitis C with diet, herbs and vitamins it may be possible to suppress some of the unpleasant complications associated with Hepatitis C