Alternative Pain Relief for Severe Migraine Headaches
Keep a Migraine Journal
Keep a journal of every migraine you experience, noting its intensity and duration, as well as any possible triggers. For instance, write down how much sleep you got the night before, the weather, and what you ate before your migraine occurred. After a few migraines, you may notice a pattern in your journals and identify triggers, which you can then eliminate from your diet and lifestyle or use to predict and prepare for future migraines.
Take Daily Supplements
If you are a frequent migraine sufferer, take magnesium supplements along with calcium to reduce the frequency of migraines. Migraine sufferers have magnesium deficiencies which can be at least partially overcome by taking daily supplements.
If magnesium causes diarrhea, take daily riboflavin (vitamin B12) supplements instead to ward off future migraines. Taken in large doses (400 mg per day), riboflavin has been proven to reduce the frequency of migraines by 50 percent. Riboflavin should reduce the number of migraines the first month but will become even more effective in following months. The herb feverfew has also been proven to reduce the frequency of migraines when ingested daily.
Choose Your Migraine Environment
Select a place you can retreat to when you feel an oncoming migraine. Because migraines make you sensitive to light and noise, choose a dark, quiet room. Lie down with a cold compress for your forehead and close your eyes. If possible, take a nap.
Use Aromatherapy
Add a few drops of essential oils to your cold compress or your bath to ease your migraine. Helpful for migraines are lavender, chamomile and marjoram.
Consider Acupuncture
If you are unable to take supplements, consider acupuncture to relieve migraine pain. A study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine revealed that acupuncture proved more effective in reducing migraine pain than traditional medications, with no side effects.