What are the Topical Uses for DMSO?
Arthritis Pain
DMSO is beneficial as a rapid temporary pain reliever for arthritis.
Bruises, Pulled Ligaments, Tendons and Muscle
Topical application of DMSO also helps a variety of sports injuries. It can help to prevent or minimize bruises and alleviate pain.
Athlete's Foot and Foot Odor
Using a 50 percent diluted solution of DMSO on the feet helps to combat athlete's foot and will also help to alleviate foot odor.
DMSO is excellent at penetrating the skin and acting as a carrier for all types of topical treatments. When used as a carrier for hormone applications it has been known to increase their availability in the body by 300 percent.
Applications of DMSO have helped alleviate the lesions associated with shingles (Herpes Zoster).
Scars, Scleroderma and X-rays
Applying DMSO to raised scars three times a day helps to flatten the tissues over several months and it also helps to relieve skin affected by Scleroderma.
Using DMSO on the skin protects the body from the toxic effects of X-rays.
Common minor side effects of using DMSO are itching skin, redness, or rash. This can be relieved by diluting it with more water. As a precaution, make sure to wash your hands before applying, since DMSO is an excellent carrier, it can carry any toxins on your hands into your skin.