Old Home Remedies for Cramps

Cramps, which are sudden involuntary muscular contractions or spasms, can be caused by excessive strain, physical exhaustion, cold, menstruation or any other illness. Your shoulders, legs, back and abdominal region are the most prone to cramps. While there are many medicines available at the pharmacy that can provide you relief, there are quite a few old home remedies for cramps.
  1. Aniseed and Caraway

    • Aniseed and caraway may alleviate the pain and discomfort of cramps. While aniseed can be used as a spice for cooking, a handful of caraway seeds can be boiled in a quart of water to make into a tea.

    Chamomile and Ginger

    • Some potent home remedies for cramps include teas made with a quart of water and either the chamomile flower or ginger. Boil 2 tsp. of dried chamomile flowers or a 2-inch ginger root in water. Drink the concoction. This may aid in reducing inflammation, pain and restlessness associated with cramps. Chamomile tea, taken no less than 5 times daily for a fortnight, may provide pain relief too.

    Raspberry and Apple Cider Vinegar

    • Make a tea made by adding 1 tsp. of red raspberry leaves to a cup of boiling water. Steep for about 10 minutes. Strain the mixture and have twice a day to get relief from leg cramps. You may also take 1 tsp. each of apple cider vinegar and honey and mix it with 1 tbsp. of calcium lactate in half a glass of tepid water. This may aid in relieving the pain associated with cramps.

    Massages and Baths

    • Placing a hot water bottle or a hot pad may on the cramped area may provide some relief. If your legs are cramped, perform stretching excercises to alleviate pain and discomfort. Use essential oils such as rosemary, eucalyptus or lavender to reduce pain. Simply apply the oils to the cramped area of the body and massage the skin. Post massaging, wrap the region in a moist warm towel and keep it undisturbed for half an hour. Hot baths, particularly infused with chamomile tea, may help ease the pain.

    Dietary Remedies

    • Another old home remedy for cramps involves warm milk. Drink a glass of warm milk every night before bed. You could also take two or three bananas each day in order to elevate the potassium levels in your body. A daily dose of honey in a hot cup of tea or coffee should provide natural relief from cramps. On a daily basis, you should try to heighten your consumption of foods like milk and fruits that supply plenty of magnesium and calcium to the body.

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