Bach Flower Remedies Tutorial
Choosing a Bach Flower Remedy
There are various groups in the Bach Flower Remedies that address specific emotional states. Dr. Bach cited seven emotional states, which are separated into groups. Within these groups are several remedies that address different types of the given emotion. The seven groups are fear, uncertainty, insufficient interest in present circumstances, loneliness, oversensitivity to ideas and influences, despair, and over-care for the welfare of others . All together, there are 38 different Bach flower remedies, plus Rescue Remedy, a pre-made mix of remedies that helps relieve stress and induce calm, and Rescue Sleep, a mixture of essences that helps relieve insomnia.
Taking a Bach Flower Remedy
The remedies are made with flower-infused spring water, and also contain grape based brandy as a preservative. They come in a small jar with a medicine dropper top. Using the remedies is simple. You can mix up to six or seven remedies at a time in a treatment bottle, which is also available where the remedies are sold, or place several drops in a glass of water. If you do not have water available, you can drop some of the remedy under your tongue, or place it on the skin on the inside of your wrist or behind your ears.
Types of Bach Remedies
Examples of various remedies include Rock Rose and Aspen to ease fear; Gentian and Wild Oat to relieve uncertainty; Honeysuckle and Wild Rose for when you are dissatisfied with where you are in life right now; Water Violet and Impatiens to treat loneliness; Holly to lessen over-sensitivity; and Star of Bethlehem and Pine to ease despair.
If you are on medication, have allergies, are pregnant or are receiving treatment such as chemotherapy, speak with your physician before taking any Bach remedies. There have been no widespread systematic clinical trials on Bach flower remedies, and the studies that have been done to date are limited.