The Effects of Colloidal Silver
Silver has long been used by many cultures to prevent or treat illness. In ancient Babylon and Greek civilizations, the mineral was used as a disinfectant. Ancient Romans used silver in numerous medical treatments. The Ayurvedic physicians in India today are still following the ancient practice of utilizing silver to treat medical conditions. It was used in the Middle Ages to treat soldiers suffering from open wounds and by the settlers to prevent germs from spoiling food and drink.
Colloidal silver is used to treat a variety of ailments. It is most commonly used to boost the immune system and the conditions that result from suppressed immunity. Colloidal silver contains disease fighting properties that help kill bacteria, fungi and viruses. Many individuals choose silver in place of antibiotics to treat infections. Supporters claim it may treat tuberculosis, herpes, shingles and pneumonia.
Argyria, a blue discoloration of the skin and internal organs, is the most common side effect associated with colloidal silver usage. Though not known to be dangerous, the condition is permanent. According to Doctor Robert Becker, author of "The Body Electric", using a concentration of colloidal silver that is diluted with silver nitrate and therefore not pure, will increase your risk of developing argyria. Other possible side effects include kidney impairment, headache and digestive disorders.
Colloidal silver is marketed as a dietary supplement and therefore is not mandated by FDA regulations. The Silver Safety Committee, a group comprised of doctors, chemists and college professors, has recently updated guidelines on the limits of silver usage. Their findings are based on the Environmental Protection Agencies current referance dosage for daily limits on colloidal silver usage. Be sure to follow the dosing instructions on the manufacturers label.
It is important to seek the advice of a health care practitioner to diagnose and treat disease before beginning a treatment routine. This includes the use of medications, dietary supplements and herbs. Using colloidal silver as a dietary aid to strengthen the immune system is considered safe, provided you only use high quality silver purchased from a reputable company and you adhere to the dosing guidelines.